Digital Marketing

Pay attention to the quality gurus in our times?

This digital era, where everything moves at the speed of the internet, makes us think if it is worth concentrating on the quality of the products we sell, or better if we concentrate on having a good advertising campaign ready, which outshines the competition.

The second can produce good results in the short term. Sales increase rapidly, we get more and more excited about Google and Facebook ads, and then we hire people to help us get social networks to attract people to our store, the online store and physical stores.

Some bad product reviews make you wonder if you’re doing the right thing.
However, when you increase your ads on social networks again, sales do not decrease, but instead increase.

After a while, reviews of the products do not wait. Complaints and claims rain down.
This is what has happened: you have forgotten that the most important thing, the essence of your business, is to take care of the quality of your product.

The quality of your product depends exclusively on the organization you have in your business.
You will say: it is that I have few employees, it is that I receive poor quality raw materials, deliveries are delayed due to transport problems, and thus, you have a lot of justifications for your problems.

What you have to do is pay attention to solving your problems by taking concrete steps.

FINLAZ offers you concrete steps.

Organize your business into processes without neglecting to consider all the important processes, represent them together so that they are well understood, and make investments in automation to grow your business on the internet (YOUR business, not the business of social networks).

The above means that you are following the advice of the quality gurus: Juran, Ishikawa, Deming, Schewart… who discovered many years ago that your business must work in a closed cycle in order to continuously improve.

Continuously improving the quality of your products improves your relationships with the public (it fosters lasting relationships, not based exclusively on advertising).

To improve the quality of your products you have to investigate how to better satisfy customer requests and tastes.

The key to quality is to achieve brand quality. Grow your brand and your business will grow.

Look at Deming’s quality cycle, Juran’s planning, and Ishikawa’s verification of effects.

You can be sure that the theories of the gurus are more valid than ever, in this world as fast and competitive as today’s.

Study Finlaz.

We follow the gurus. We are here to accompany you.

What we have said does not contradict using social networks.

Read the next article about how you can take advantage of social networks for absolute good.

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